Daniel Crooks (NZ)

Image: Daniel Crooks, [Portrait #14 (Chris)], 2012 Lambda photographic print 130 x 130 cm © Daniel Crooks. Courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery.

Image: Daniel Crooks, Portrait #14 (Chris), 2012 Lambda photographic print 130 x 130 cm © Daniel Crooks. Courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery.

Daniel Crooks works pre­dom­i­nant­ly in video, pho­tog­ra­phy and sculp­ture. He is best known for his dig­i­tal video and pho­to­graph­ic works that cap­ture and alter time and motion. Crooks manip­u­lates dig­i­tal imagery and footage as though it were a phys­i­cal mate­r­i­al. He breaks time down, frame by frame. The result­ing works expand our sense of tem­po­ral­i­ty by manip­u­lat­ing dig­i­tal ​‘time slices’ that are nor­mal­ly imper­cep­ti­ble to the human eye.

PHOTO 2021 Events

Founding Partners
  • Bowness Family Foundation
  • Naomi Milgrom Foundation
Major Government Partners
  • City of Melbourne Arts Grants Program

PHOTO Australia respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands upon which we work and live, and the rich and diverse Indigenous cultures across what is now called Australia. For over 60,000 years, Indigenous arts and culture have thrived on this sacred land, and we honour Elders and cultural leaders past and present. This was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.

06–29 March