Vic Bakin (UA)

Born 1984, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Lives and works Kyiv, Ukraine
Vic Bakin is a self-educated Ukrainian photographer. Raised near Ukrainian Carpathians, lives and works in Kyiv, Ukraine.
He began to photograph relatively late in life, around 25-26 y. o. Apart from a few workshops, including the JH Engstrom workshop in Copenhagen, his education is not in any way connected to photography or arts. His photographic practice mainly revolves around documenting Ukrainian youth. Vic’s focus is on different local communities such as queer and fashion scenes, rave and music culture. Recently his focus also shifted to the themes of war in Ukraine. Vic Bakin is nominated for British Journal of Photography: The Ones to watch 2023. Vic is the winner of the LensCulture art photography awards 2023.