Warwick Thornton (AU)

Image: Warwick Thornton, [Meth Kelly] (video still), 2020. High definition 4K digital video, colour, stereo sound
4 minutes 4 seconds. Commissioned for the Biennale of Sydney 2020: NIRIN.   Warwick Thornton. Courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery.

Image: Warwick Thornton, Meth Kelly (video still), 2020. High definition 4K digital video, colour, stereo sound 4 minutes 4 seconds. Commissioned for the Biennale of Sydney 2020: NIRIN.   Warwick Thornton. Courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery.

Born 1970, Mparntwe (Alice Springs), Australia

Lives and works Alice Springs, Australia


The art of War­wick Thorn­ton draws from his acclaimed career as a cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er and award win­ning film direc­tor. In his art prac­tice, Thorn­ton is inter­est­ed in nego­ti­at­ing the pres­ence in con­tem­po­rary land­scapes, and traces with­in colo­nial his­to­ry, of indige­nous Aus­tralians. His oeu­vre utilis­es pho­tog­ra­phy, film and video to con­cep­tu­alise time, space, iden­ti­ty, mem­o­ry, and the social condition.

PHOTO 2022 Events

Founding Partners
  • Bowness Family Foundation
  • Naomi Milgrom Foundation
Major Government Partners
  • City of Melbourne Arts Grants Program

PHOTO Australia respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands upon which we work and live, and the rich and diverse Indigenous cultures across what is now called Australia. For over 60,000 years, Indigenous arts and culture have thrived on this sacred land, and we honour Elders and cultural leaders past and present. This was, and always will be, Aboriginal land.

06–29 March