Hear the artist talk about the exhibition.
Karabo Mooki
Karabo Mooki (ZA)
Image: Karabo Mooki, from the series AMANDLA.
Image: Karabo Mooki, from the series AMANDLA.
Meet the black women building community through skateboarding.
A community built by Black women in skateboarding in South Africa is the focus of this series of images. This community is tight-knit, engendering strength through shared vulnerability and a passion for building each other up through skating.
Karabo Mooki looks to race, gender, sexuality and class through his photography, seeking to reveal an authentic and honest side to life in South Africa, with a focus on under-represented faces. Skating has typically been a male-dominated sport, which makes it all the more important that the women in this series are pushing forward for greater representation within skateboarding. Pushing to strengthen the representation of the Black identity, equality in sport and inclusion so as to nurture sites of inclusion and empowerment.
Curated by PHOTO Australia Supported by City of Stonnington