Launch: A Bell Rings Aross The Valley
30 April 2022

Image: Devika Bilimoria. Courtesy the artist.
Image: Devika Bilimoria. Courtesy the artist.
30 April 2022
Saturday, 2-4pm (AEST)
Wheelchair access
Free, bookings required
Join us for the opening reception of A Bell Rings Across The Valley, curated by Shivanjani Lal.
A bell rings out across the valley. A deep resonance that begins in the Himalayas and echoes out across the Bay of Bengal, growing in vibration and meaning as it sings out. Complex and tender, a many-headed figure forms, both of alarm and joy.
Photography’s roots here can be traced to empire, anthropology and journalism. The region takes these roots and shapeshifts these understandings and new stories form. What does Contemporary Photography look like in South Asia? What stories are being told?
Five artists have been invited from across South Asia and its diaspora to speak of complex experiences of identity, heritage and change.
Works by Ashfika Rahman (Bangladesh), Indu Antony (India), Sheelasha Rajbhandari (Nepal), Devika Bilimoria (Australia) and Shwe Wutt Hmon (Myanmar)