Opening: J Davies & Lisa Tomasetti
02 March
Image: J Davies, T & S, 2023.
02 March
Saturday, 1-3pm (AEST)
Wheelchair access
“From an early age, I would loudly and proudly declare that I wouldn’t see 30,” says artist J Davies. “That I would die young without any particular reasoning. As a 29 year old who spends a lot of time inside my own mind, I’ve come to realise that when I was young I had no visual examples of my future, no lives I was aspiring to live, no role models I was aspiring to be like. I wasn’t exposed to any form of adult queer persons who were not demeaned and degraded for their ‘lifestyle’ choices. I wasn’t exposed to any celebrations of queer family, or trans joy.”
In Case We Don’t Live Forever is a photographic archive of these lives—a celebration of resilience, survival and joy. With a carpe diem/live fast die young mentality, this selection of images presents as a queer utopia—a future for us to work towards, to protect.