PHOTO 2021 Education Guide for Schools now available for download
The guide provides introductory information and questions for discussion about a selection of artworks and exhibitions on display at PHOTO 2021. This resource is designed for Secondary students and can be adapted for upper Primary or Tertiary groups, and indicates opening times during the school week.
Download Education Guide for Schools
The exhibitions and outdoor installations in PHOTO 2021 respond to a central theme—‘The Truth’—and invite audiences to consider the relationship between photography and truth in a new era characterised by social media, fake news, augmented reality and artificial intelligence. We invite you to consider these overarching questions about truth as you explore the festival:
1. FUTURE TRUTH: How are new methods of making, sharing and viewing images changing our idea of truth?
2. REVEALING TRUTH: What power does documentary photography have in today’s world?
3. RE-INVENTING TRUTH: How are artists using and re-using images to create new narratives and challenge pre-conceived beliefs?
4. FICTIONAL TRUTH: How are today’s artists adopting fiction and deceit in their work?
Our Education Guide profiles a 9 free outdoor installations and exhibitions in Argyle Square, Carlton; across the CBD; and the Inner North (Fitzroy/Collingwood). Art, Studio Arts and Media teachers are invited to plan visits for their students using this advice as a guide. Some venues are located in close proximity to one another and so you may opt to see a number of installations and exhibitions to make the most of your visit.
In addition to the works detailed in this Education Guide there are many more exhibitions to visit during PHOTO 2021. View full program here.